1. ECG 100G one Channel Ecg machine
■ High-resolution thermal printing array system
■ Frequency response is as high as 150Hz
■ Capable of printing continuously on channel trace Schiller Cardiovit AT-2 Interpretive
and annotations including lead mark and parameter ECG Machine
such as sensitivity, paper speed and filter operation - 6/12-channel representation of all
status 12 simultaneously acquired leads
■ High resolution digital filter inhibits baseline drift - Full size 8" x 11" reports (A4)
without affecting ECG waveform - Integrated rechargeable battery lasts
■ One-touch operation for up to 400 recordings
■ Concept of floating input circuit meets IEC safety - Computerized ECG interpretation
standard program
■ Rechargeable battery supporting more than 50 patient -Portable at only 4.8 kg / 11 lbs
PRICE: RM 3,000.00 PRICE: RM 14,500.00
ECG 600G 6- Channel Ecg machine
1.7" TFT, touch screen, LED backlight ECG 300G 3-Channel ECG machine
2. Digital isolation technology and signal PRO-cessing
solution, digital filter 1. High resolution thermal printing system, high
3. Patient managment, name and age and ID. precision
4. Detail analysis report. 2. 12 leads collection in phase as well as 3 leads
5. Multi-language options: Germany, France, Italian, printing in phase
Turkey, etc 3. Digital design and filter, baseline auto-adjustable.
6. Built-in lithium rechargeable battery, wide thermall 4. LCD displays operation menu.
printing system 5. DC/AC auto-exchange
7. USB and LAN socket. Memory: Built-in memory
or mini SD Memory card. Store more PRICE: RM 5,000.00
than 1000 pieces of archive
8. Auto-measurement, auto-analysis,
and auto-interpretation.
PRICE: RM 6,500.00